registration is now open!

learn web dev.
win cash prizes.
all in 4 weeks.

  • become a sponsor :)

    what is web.lab?

    at its core, web.lab is a 6-unit MIT IAP class that teaches the fundamentals of web development. it lays the foundations for understanding complicated web technologies and allows enrolled students to take part in a competition to win cash and glory!

    web.lab landing thumbnail

    who can take web.lab?

    students of all skill levels who are registered/cross-registered at MIT and are officially enrolled for web.lab can participate. at least one team member must be available on campus during the final week of IAP to present their team's website to the judges.

    why web.lab?

    web.lab teaches you valuable skills to establish your presence on the web. in addition to glory and fame, winners of web.lab get cash prizes and many times even receive job offers. we strongly recommend entering the competition and giving it your best effort through IAP :)

    how will web.lab work?

    • form teams of up to three members. team members should contribute an appropriate amount to receive individual credit for the course.

    • the learning phase of web.lab lasts for the first two weeks of IAP, with lectures and workshops every day. the first week goes over fundamental topics while the second week dives into more advanced topics and sponsor lectures.

    • for the last two weeks of IAP, teams build their own web apps to enter into the competition!

    alright, what are the prizes?

    • 1


    • 2


    • 3


    • 4


    • honorable mention


    • most unique concept


    • most responsive ui design


    • most innovative frontend


    • most innovative backend


    • people's choice award


    what're you waiting for?